Last week I spoke of how we need actions to really believe in ourselves…we do…but sometimes it is difficult to decide just what action to take. There are so many pressures! Sometimes many conflicting choices and desires!
Make your choice of action WISE.
WISDOM is not spoken of as much today as in time gone. It was venerated long ago…the sage, the wise man/woman, the shaman. Their advice was sought. The advice was not always to achieve that which seems most forward in the heart. Sometimes, at the time of being given, when we hear stories, it seems to go against what the person desires at the time of asking.The advice was sometimes rejected, or at least initially rejected, and then found to be the right advice long after.
Wisdom looks beyond the ego desires which often, though not always, drive our hearts.It looks beyond the obvious, beyond social expectations and quick fix.
Wisdom includes the mind, body and physical constraints. It includes all the other needs you have… and the needs of others, whose needs you care about…as that is your need also. It express our values. A wise decision is a much more global decision.
We have to look deep within to consider all the facts and decide what is really important, not just at the moment but for life.
So strong are our emotional desires that it is sometimes difficult to step back from them and to make that wise decision. Often it helps to get assistance in order gain the true perspective…emotions cloud vision.
Wise decisions are nor easy, but give us most self respect...and isn’t that the most important thing in the long run?
So do start moving in your life…but do so with WISDOM!
Warm Wishes,