Whilst its fine to aim to achieve what you want, thing that you believe will fulfill your life and make you happy…don’t wait to be happy THEN!
What if you don’t get there…fail…die?
What if you are so exhausted and depleted from the effort that you can’t enjoy…too tired or sick to be happy?
What if you loose the capacity for happiness?…Yes you actually can do that!!!
Being happy is an ability. Develop the skill of happiness and really enjoy the things you aim for.
Notice the small happinesses each day… not just the 10/10 ones…the 2, 4, 6 out of 10 ones...anything that registers on your happiness scale. Make a mental of these (or even better, an actual note). Share your happy experiences with others…(not just your problems).
Be happy on your journey…not just at some point of arrival!!